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Oregon Sturgeon Fishing

The Sturgeon fishery in Oregon has become very popular. Have you ever caught a fresh water fish that is bigger than you .... or even 2x-3x your size? Come Sturgeon fishing on the Columbia if that excites you.
sturgeon identifier

Sturgeon Facts

If you have never been Oregon Sturgeon fishing then you need to add this to your bucket list. Sturgeon are native to many rivers in Oregon and provide fishermen with an amazing experience.

Sturgeon are huge, most you catch will be under 100 pounds but every once in awhile you will hook what is called an oversized Sturgeon and that is when things get fun. Some of these monsters will grow to over 1000 pounds (yes, there are three 0's after the 1).

Most oversized are between 200-400 pounds but believe me they put up one heck of a battle.

There are a few weeks out of the year when you can keep certain sized Sturgeon but most of the year we have to release them back into the river so others can enjoy the battle.